Posted in Անգլերեն 2022-2023

Small classes

Many students have a problem expressing their thoughts and strengthening their knowledge by asking questions. The issue of whether teachers should make small-class discussions or make big ones has become a source of controversy – and there is no one-size-fits-all answer as the choice is dependent on the specific needs of the students and teachers. Certain individuals may assert that taking big classes is more learnable if students will participate in big classes because they can encounter many ideas which will help them more. Despite acknowledging the validity of this claim, I still hold the view that taking small-classes are having more impact on knowledge base and motivation.

The first reason which compels me to favor this idea is that small classes can increase individual participation and attention. In other words, after a big class, many students become displeased and deviate from their majors to another, because some students may feel hesitant to participate due to a fear of judgment or being overshadowed by more assertive students. Thus they are getting upset and do not consider class effective or beneficial. On the other hand, in small classes, students often feel more comfortable contributing to discussions, expressing their opinions, and actively engaging in-class activities. So this helps teachers give more personalized attention to each student. Small classes give an opportunity to better understand individual learning styles, strengths, and weaknesses, and tailor their instruction accordingly. This individualized attention can lead to improved academic performance and a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Another argument to support my stance is improved teacher-student relationships. In many big classes, the lecturer pays attention to the silence in the audience and the process of the lecturer’s explanation of the lesson. As a result, the trainers are unable to have contact with the students, which complicates their work, because they do not have a clear idea of the student’s knowledge. So, in small classes, students are fewer and this allows getting to know each student personally, understand their interests, and provide appropriate support and guidance. This can create a positive and supportive learning atmosphere. Through close relationships, they make a friendly environment and advise encouragement toward class. Hence, with advice, students obsessed with classes improve their knowledge and get high scores, which will have a huge impact on their graduation. A vivid example to illustrate this point is my sister’s case; just after graduation she wants to be a medical university student, but she hates biology which is an important factor in applying. Her new teacher of biography made a small class. As a result my sister is now  fixed with biology, on the grounds that the teacher talked with her and promoted her to study well.  

In conclusion, it is my firm belief that taking small classes is a must for those who have some issues with expressing opinion in large audiences on the grounds that during small ones teachers relatively create a friendly atmosphere and they show the right way to get the right knowledge which aids students in graduation. These arguments may go against the assertion that  taking big classes is more learnable if students will participate in big classes because they can encounter many ideas which will help them more.

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