Posted in Անգլերեն 2022-2023

Learning about different culture

Learning about various cultures is an enriching and valuable experience; It makes an infinite plurality of invigilation towards life and upgrade facilities. The issue of whether people should learn about other cultures or opt for only knowing about the settlement where they love has stirred controversial attitudes – and there is no one-size-fits answer as the choice is dependant on the specific need of the people learning ability․ Certain individuals may assert that it is an unnecessary and unimportant factor for life and their personality development and they can spend more favorably developing and studying only their habitat. Despite acknowledging the validity of this claim, I still hold the view that people shall discover different cultures.

The first reason which compels me to favor this idea is related to enhancing problem-solving skills. In other words, life is full of damages and unsolved issues, which make people more confused in their life. So, learning about other cultures can expose people to new ideas and perspectives. It can aid them to develop creative problem-solving skills and broaden their mental horizons. They can think outside of the box and make decisions swiftly; This can create a light life which can make them more merry and have an uncomplicated life. Moreover, the developed skills can positively affect personal growth and development. So different aspects can be a transformative experience that can aid people to grow and develop as a person.

Another argument to substantiate my view is the Professional advantage and Improved communication and relationships. It is an undeniable fact that In today’s globalized world, having cross-cultural skills and knowledge can be a major advantage in the workplace. Nowadays it is very hazardous to communicate with people, on the ground each has her or his mental state and has other thinking which complicates some cases. So knowing about other cultures can develop communication skills and make it easy to find a positive channel of conversation. When you understand and respect other cultures, you are better equipped to communicate and build positive relationships with people from those cultures. Employers value employees who can navigate cultural differences and work effectively with people from diverse backgrounds. A vivid example is my sibling who found a job because of her knowledge of many traditions and rituals. Now she is working in a dental clinic where people visit there from other parts of the world. Since the patients are tense, it is necessary to find a language with them and reassure them that everything will be without pain. Knowing about people from different cultures helps employees in their work.

In conclusion, It is my firm belief that everyone should make an effort and start to study other cultures, traditions, rituals, and society thinking. Enhancing these skills can be profitable for a professional workplace because today’s globalized world needs people with wide-minded people. Also, that knowledge can be utilized in the workplace by making contact with other members and improving the friendly atmosphere. These claims go against the assertion of some that people do not need to learn about other cultures because it cannot be effective or gainable, and will be just a waste of time.

Posted in Անգլերեն 2022-2023

Small classes

Many students have a problem expressing their thoughts and strengthening their knowledge by asking questions. The issue of whether teachers should make small-class discussions or make big ones has become a source of controversy – and there is no one-size-fits-all answer as the choice is dependent on the specific needs of the students and teachers. Certain individuals may assert that taking big classes is more learnable if students will participate in big classes because they can encounter many ideas which will help them more. Despite acknowledging the validity of this claim, I still hold the view that taking small-classes are having more impact on knowledge base and motivation.

The first reason which compels me to favor this idea is that small classes can increase individual participation and attention. In other words, after a big class, many students become displeased and deviate from their majors to another, because some students may feel hesitant to participate due to a fear of judgment or being overshadowed by more assertive students. Thus they are getting upset and do not consider class effective or beneficial. On the other hand, in small classes, students often feel more comfortable contributing to discussions, expressing their opinions, and actively engaging in-class activities. So this helps teachers give more personalized attention to each student. Small classes give an opportunity to better understand individual learning styles, strengths, and weaknesses, and tailor their instruction accordingly. This individualized attention can lead to improved academic performance and a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Another argument to support my stance is improved teacher-student relationships. In many big classes, the lecturer pays attention to the silence in the audience and the process of the lecturer’s explanation of the lesson. As a result, the trainers are unable to have contact with the students, which complicates their work, because they do not have a clear idea of the student’s knowledge. So, in small classes, students are fewer and this allows getting to know each student personally, understand their interests, and provide appropriate support and guidance. This can create a positive and supportive learning atmosphere. Through close relationships, they make a friendly environment and advise encouragement toward class. Hence, with advice, students obsessed with classes improve their knowledge and get high scores, which will have a huge impact on their graduation. A vivid example to illustrate this point is my sister’s case; just after graduation she wants to be a medical university student, but she hates biology which is an important factor in applying. Her new teacher of biography made a small class. As a result my sister is now  fixed with biology, on the grounds that the teacher talked with her and promoted her to study well.  

In conclusion, it is my firm belief that taking small classes is a must for those who have some issues with expressing opinion in large audiences on the grounds that during small ones teachers relatively create a friendly atmosphere and they show the right way to get the right knowledge which aids students in graduation. These arguments may go against the assertion that  taking big classes is more learnable if students will participate in big classes because they can encounter many ideas which will help them more.

Posted in Անգլերեն 2022-2023

Online shopping

In recent years, online shopping has become more and more popular all over the world. With the rise of e-commerce, customers can now buy almost anything online, from clothes and electronics to groceries and furniture. The issue of whether it is more beneficial that people buy items in brick-and-mortar shops has stirred controversial attitudes – and there is no one-size-fits-all answer as the choice is dependent on the specific needs of the person. Certain individuals may assert that it is not profitable, because they cannot physically inspect or try on products before purchase, and that makes the cause of wasting money. Despite acknowledging the validity of this claim, I still hold the view that online shopping has more pros than offline ones.

The first reason which compels me to favor this idea is related to easy price comparison and wide lower selection. Nowadays it is very high-cost living because many items prices increase daily.  Many people even work in two plays to cover basic expenses and live without doubt. In online shops, the prices are relatively lower because online retailers often offer lower prices than physical stores because they have lower overhead costs, such as rent and staffing and people can afford them to purchase a wide type of goods. Customers can easily compare prices between different online retailers and find the best one for them. On the other hand, certain individuals can assert that it is difficult to find a quality item because it has not been seen and touched in real life. However, online shopping allows customers to read reviews and ratings from other customers, helping them make informed purchasing decisions. So it is beneficial to find low priced good item and utilize them in routine bypassing financial complications․

Another argument to substantiate my view is the convenience for people who work a lot. People are overcrowded with work or studying, so they have no time to go and wait in lines. Online shopping allows customers to avoid the crowds and long lines often found in physical stores, especially during peak shopping periods. So one of the biggest benefits of online shopping is that customers can shop from anywhere, at any time, without the need to travel to a physical store. As a result, many online retailers offer home delivery, making it easy for customers to receive their purchases without leaving their homes. Moreover, many popular stores have an online-only option for shopping. A vivid example is that my father orders some gadgets from abroad, because there are no such stores in our city, and delivery makes the process easier.

In conclusion, it is my firm belief that online stores are more beneficial for shopping. In conclusion, online shopping has become an increasingly popular option for consumers around the world. Its benefits, including convenience, wide selection, and lower prices, make it an attractive option for many; It saves time and creates an environment for working and shopping. These claims go against the assertion of some that offline stores make it more convenient because customers can see what she or he buys.

Posted in Գրականություն 2022-2023

Համո Սահյան


Իմ պապը տնկել է
Մեր գյուղի շիվերը,
Իմ պապը պայտել է
Մեր գյուղի ձիերը:
Իմ պապը մեր գյուղի
Պատերը շարել է
Եվ բոլոր կամերը
Մեն-մենակ քարել է:
Ջրել է իր այգին,
Ու մարգը բահել է,
Եվ արդար քրտինքով
Իր տունը պահել է:
Իմ պապը վարել է,
Իմ պապը ցանել է,
Իսկ հնձի ժամանակ
Ձեռքի մեջ մանգաղի
Դաստակը ցավել է:
Իմ պապը հողի հետ
Խորհել ու խոսել է,
Ամպի հետ արտասվել,
Ջրի հետ հոսել է…
Մի օր էլ, երբ հանկարծ
Ծալվել են ծնկները,
Զարմանքից քարացել,
Ամոթից շիկնել է:
Թողել է նա մաճը
Եվ շունչը պահել է,
Եվ հետո քրտինքը
Ճակատին պաղել է:
Եվ պապը ակոսում
Պառկել ու քնել է,
Խառնվել այն հողին,
Որ իրեն սնել է:

Վերլուծություն ՝

Շատ հետաքրքիր էր այս բանաստեղծությունը, չնայած նրան, որ փոքրուց ընթերցել ենք այս բանաստեղծությունը մեկ է, այն չենք քննարկել, հիմա ձեզ կհայտնեմ իմ կարծիքը։ Այս բանաստեղծությունը պապու և հայրենիքի մասին էր։ Պապ ի նկատի ունի հին անձնավորություն, ծեր, ծերացած։ Ծեր է մեր հայրենի լեզուն, բայց մենք մինչև հիմա խոսում ենք և պարտավոր ենք խոսել հայերենով։

Posted in Անգլերեն 2022-2023

Benefits if taking gap year

In recent years, many more students do not opt for applying to a university just after graduation for a variety of reasons pertinent to each of them The issue of whether high-school leavers should take a gap year or not has become a source of controversial attitudes. Certain individuals may assert that taking a year off, young people will suffer from learning loss as well as motivation towards academic studies in general; despite acknowledging the validity of this claim, I still hold the view  that taking a gap year offers significant benefits that should not be overlooked. 

The first reason which compels me to favor this idea is related to the unique opportunity to rest. In other words, after enrolling in 12 years of secondary education and being exposed to demanding academic subjects, students, undoubtedly, get tired. Thus, they need some break from mentally heavy academic work to get rid of their fatigue in order to embark on tertiary education with a fresh mind. This will allow them to engage in classroom learning more productively and channel their concentration toward the target information. As a result, those students who have a rested mind and body shall ensure good academic performance. Conversely, without a break, young people will be deprived of the chance to escape from their academic routine and, as a result, their university studies will suffer.

Another argument to support my stance is the employment youngsters may seek. For one year, a high-school leaver may get a job and earn enough money to use his/her savings for future expenses. It is an undeniable fact that university students have a lot of expenditures to deal with, such as accommodation, tuition, fees, etc.. Thus, by taking a gap year and working, young people avoid relying heavily on their parents and causing financial burden to their families. Moreover, they can choose jobs relevant to their future major and gain insight into the ins and outs  of the professions they want to pursue. This will, inevitably, help youngsters to gain a clearer understanding of whether the chosen occupation ‘befits’ their potential as well as interests. Consequently, they will make a well-informed decision regarding their future career and not regret their choice later in life.

A final point to substantiate my view is getting enough time to engage in volunteering activities which will boost young people’s chances of being admitted into prestigious universities. Today highly ranked establishments of tertiary education place great emphasis on the applicants’ desire to engage in community service as this speaks to their being caring individuals ready to share knowledge and skills with the needy. A vivid example to illustrate this point is my cousin’s case; just after graduation, he applied to a top local university and was denied admission despite his outstanding transcript and high scores on his admissions exams. He was determined to enroll at this very university, and discovered the reason behind the rejection – lack of volunteering. He decided to take a gap year and travel to Namibia to teach English and, to his great satisfaction, he was offered a place there. 

In conclusion, it is my firm belief that taking a gap year is a must for those who have completed high-school education on the grounds that during this time they may take a break from  their academic routine and relax, embark on employment to aid their final ‘verdict’ regarding their future career path in addition to enhancing their chances of admission. These arguments may go against the assertion that a gap will negatively affect young people’s knowledge and their desire to continue their academic endeavors.